Yoga Minis | Meditation

In last week's Yoga Mini, I touched upon how Asana, the physical practice of Yoga, makes up only a small percentage of the entire practice. I wanted to take the time to break that down briefly today, and to practice yet another aspect of the practice– Meditation. 

The structural framework for yoga practice is called the eight-limbed path. Upon practicing all eight limbs of the path it becomes self-evident that no one limb is more important than another. Each is part of a holistic focus which helps us to navigate this existence and find connectivity, peace and union. Because we are all uniquely individual some may be more attracted to one branch of the practice, but it is important to know that there are many branches and to practice all of them is to practice Yoga (union). In brief, the eight limbs of Yoga are as follows:

  1. Yama :  Universal morality

  2. Niyama :  Personal observances

  3. Asanas :  Physical postures

  4. Pranayama :  Breathing exercises

  5. Pratyahara :  Control of the senses

  6. Dharana :  Concentration

  7. Dhyana :  Meditation

  8. Samadhi :  Union with the Divine


So today we will be practicing Dhyana, mediation together. The word meditation can be intimidating to many, thinking you are not “zen enough to do it”. The truth I have found is that the adjective zen annoys me and that meditation is more like doing nothing than doing something, so yes, I think we can all “do it.” You don’t have to sit up straight or do it everyday for 20 minutes. You don’t have to put on spa music and light incense. Just start wherever you feel authentically comfortable, lying down, sitting in a chair, inside, outside… The underlying objective is to just slow down and chill the F*%$ out for a few minutes, to help quiet your mind, relax your body, calm your nervous system and recenter into your heart.  So here we go!