Change Begins with Awareness
I may not take too many things seriously, but I don’t mess around when it comes to my planet, my home, my mama. It is time we start taking our relationship with Earth more seriously and I am here to help.
As many of us are aware the first step to making any type of change is acknowledging there is a problem. Sustainability is no different. The first step is becoming aware that our daily actions, behaviors, choices and habits are responsible for the environmental crisis. Whether or not we feel it in our everyday, present location we are in fact in the midst of a global environmental crisis. There are millions of people around the globe at this very moment without access to safe water to drink, fresh food to eat or clean air to breathe. If we continue down this path, we will no longer have access to the three key ingredients for human survival: safe air, water and food. In turn, this will cause wide spread disease, famine and desperation much faster than many of us want to admit.
It is true humans are the problem. But humans are also the solution. So where do we begin? We begin with becoming aware of our personal contribution to the problem.
Here are 2 easy ways to become more aware of how much we are wasting and polluting on a daily basis:
Click here to take a quiz and find out how many Earth’s it takes to sustain your current lifestyle
Click here to take a quiz to gain insight on your carbon emissions and how to offset them
Are you ready to to start making the environment a priority in your daily routine? I believe many of us are but often hesitate for 3 Primary Reasons:
We don’t know where to begin and it feels daunting and overwhelming to get started.
We do not want to overhaul our entire lives and live without our creature comforts.
It all sounds too expensive and time consuming and we are living busy lives and just making ends meet.
I understand why you might think this BUT there are ways to debunk all of these excesses.
Here are 5 Free & Easy things you can start doing TODAY!
Stop running the water when you are brushing your teeth, washing your hands, face, hair and dishes. Get in the habit of turning it on and off.
Quit single use plastic - grocery bags, produce bags, bags, water bottles, straws - opt for glass jars over plastic.
Reduce your meat intake - meat especially beef is extremely water intensive to produce and is one of the leading causes of methane emissions.
Use Ecosia as you search engine - Ecosia donates 80% or more of its profits to non profit organizations that focus on reforestation and planting trees where they are needed most.
Switch over to a renewable energy provider - You don’t have to have solar panels on your roof to be using renewable energy. Check out CleanChoice Energy They make sure all the electricity you use is replenished on the grid with 100% wind and solar from your region.
I want you to know that I am here to help. I wholeheartedly believe that I have been put on this planet right now to help humans live in greater synergy with our natural environment in this very pressing time. If you are ready to learn more for the sake of your health, the planet's health, your child’s well-being or your grandchildren’s existence, then I urge you to be the change we NEED to see in the world. Right now you can sign up for BEEyond Sustainability my super accessible eco-education program. The courses can be completed at your own pace and are jam packed with practical, actionable solutions that can be applied to your everyday life immediately. If you do not find the content useful and helpful I will give you 100% refund. I understand that the only way out of this crisis is to take matters into our own hands and for us all to do our part. It is not about making one change it is about lifestyle change. I believe in humanity, some days it is hard but I’ll never stop believing. The innocent plants and animals that we share this planet with deserve better, future generations deserve better, we can do better, together, NOW.
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