Wonder Woman: Stasia Kauriga

The Wonder Women is a blog series that spotlights some of the most badass women I know. Women that have the courage and drive to live and work relentlessly within their passion. Each blog is written through the voice of a different Wonder Woman and will give you an opportunity to be inspired by and connected to incredible women who are movin’ and shakin’, helpin' and healin'.

This months Wonder Woman is as funky and free-spirited as they come. She is a true story of adversity becoming strength. I am honored to introduce you to my dear friend and one badass mama, Stasia Kauriga of Love Saves the Day & Bent Yoga.


We only get one shot living in this vessel and although plans you’ve made may not come to fruition, always trust the universe and mother earth are both on your side.

By the age of ten, I swore I was going to be an athlete, preferably a ballerina or perhaps a gymnast. As a small child, I watched my older sister fly through the air, transitioning from bar to bar and I remember knowing then, I want to do that.

But the universe sometimes has other plans for us!

Shortly after I began gymnastics and dance training, my instructors all noticed a discrepancy in my torso. A weird protruding rib? Upon further investigation, I was officially diagnosed with scoliosis. And that was it. No more gym, no more dance. 


After a long struggle of body casts and physical therapy, exercise and medication, surgery was my only option. So at the age of 17 I was having reconstructive spinal surgery; including double Harrington Rodding and Lumbar Spinal Fusion. Through this harrowing journey, I found the  beginning of the road to which I was truly going to find myself.

Recovery needed time. During this time, I found yoga, art, fashion design and a love for anything and all things vintage. As I became more mobile, I began looking for jobs and ended up working part time at one of my favorite local vintage stores. I was happy. But as we know, everything is impermanent and change was on the horizon. I was offered an amazing high paying job in a fantastic corporation that allowed me to travel much of the US! I was Set!!!

Fast forward 15 years and my life changed again. I found I didn’t like the lack of sustainability practices used in the fashion industry and after speaking up, I was laid off by my company and replaced by a younger less environmentally friendly person. On top of all of this, I was living with high stress and daily spinal pain and hip cramping. 

At this point, I moved back to my home town and wandered back into my favorite vintage clothing store only to find out that my vintage mentor / creator of the store, was battling a life threatening disease and invited me to come on board and help her out. I remember her specifically saying, “I can’t promise you wealth but I can promise you’ll love coming to work everyday and that’s worth more than a paycheck.” So I began working again but I was still struggling with pain. When I would visit doctors they would just want to feed me pain killers which do not agree with my body in anyway. So I once again turned to yoga!


I must have visited over a dozen yoga studios and because of my scoliosis and fusion, almost every single instructor was apprehensive about working with me or approaching me.  I became discouraged. 

One day at the vintage shop I met a local life coach who changed my thought process in two minutes. She said I needed to realize that yoga is about a relationship with yourself and with your yogi and the right match will do nothing but “lift you up”… With her encouragement and a few more inquiries I found Mesa. At this point, I am fully running the little vintage store and working with Mesa as my Yogi. This is right where i needed to be; with my pain and stress at a minimum. Through inspiration from Mesa, I thought I would do my part to help those with scoliosis like myself and become a YOGI. I just recently graduated as a 200 - RYT and I look forward to specializing with those dealing with Scoliosis. Pre and Post op. I feel like I can really help knowing what it feels like from the inside. Yoga isn’t about just twisting and bending - it’s a lifestyle. A clean sustainable earth friendly lifestyle. 


Although my original childhood dreams were altered I am proud to say I own a small vintage clothing store in New Hope PA called Love Saves the Day. I now contribute as well as support the idea of “ReCycle - ReWear - ReUse - RePurpose “


To pick and find merchandise,  I travel in a solar paneled earth friendly van looking for sweet vintage finds while, along the way,  encouraging those battling scoliosis. We only get one shot living in this vessel and although plans you’ve made may not come to fruition, always trust the universe and mother earth are both on your side!!!!!
