Next Adventure


I know myself well enough to know it is time to spread my wings, dive deep and move into a broader state of growth and development.


It’s time for me to hit the road again! This might be the longest period of time I’ve been in one location for over a decade. As many of you know I generally spend half my time at my home base, aka Minimus Tiny House, near to my dear family and loved ones, honing my skills and teaching what I am most passionate about sustainability, art and Yoga. The other half of my time I spend traveling and adventuring, soaking up everything I can and shifting into a student mindset. 


This time around it’s feeling a little hard to leave, but if I’m being honest it's hard every time. 


I mean come on, would you want to leave these two?!


 My deep love for my family and community, my bountiful garden that is about to pop and serene tiny house living makes it hard for me to leave because I feel so much love and contentment. But I know myself well enough to know it is time to spread my wings, dive deep and move into a broader state of growth and development.


This time around I have gone even more minimal with my approach. Last week I became car-less. The only thing more sustainable than an electric vehicle is car sharing and biking! So, my adventure will begin with a roadtrip with a friend up to Maine and I don’t know where it will go from there. It might be one month long, it might be four months long. I might learn to sail, hike the Long Trail, road trip to Utah or just live in an off-grid cabin on a remote island... who knows. I am leaving it open, allowing space to roam and spontaneously flow with opportunities as they arise.


I love this lifestyle that I have created that enables me to live with a sense of freedom, vitality and connection. I have found myself in a state of financial freedom, just not the kind I may have imagined when I was a teenager. I am so rich because I’ve learned to exist within my means, appreciate off-grid living, be self-reliant and highly adaptable. I feel just as content sleeping on Earth with a mosquito net under the stars as I do in a plush bed with organic cotton linens. And for this I am so very grateful. 


So do you want to join me on my adventure? If so, stay tuned! I will be keeping you posted on where I go and what I learn along the way. And thank you and you and you! Thank you to each and everyone of you for the role that you play in this incredible life I am blessed with. Whether you are a dear friend, a social media follower or somebody I just crossed paths with, thank you. I send you love and best wishes on your individual journey and will see you again soon.